how do i save player prefs?

I am creating an extended version of the Space Shooter game. In this version i want an ingame leaderboard that comes with preset values. When you beat one of those scores, I want the leaderboard to permanently update with the new values even if the application is quit and restarted.

to do this, i have created a leader board script with a bool called once.
I want once to stay true until a player adds a score to the leaderboard.
I created a player pref int called “once” which starts set to 0.
if that pref is 0 then the bool once is set to true and and an update function takes place that sets the player score to one of the leaderboard scores and the rest of the leaderboard score are set to their own playerpref ints, and playerpref int “once” is set to 1 so that the bool once will always read false from then on.
this bit of code is in my start function

save = SaveScore.control.saveScore;

		if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("once") == 0) 
			once =true;
		if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("once") == 1) 
			once = false;

		if (once = true) 
			if (save < 13000 && save > 7000) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = save;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", 13000);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", 20000);

			if (save < 20000 && save > 13000) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = save;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", 20000);
			if (save > 20000) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = first;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
				first = save;
				fText.text = "1st : " + first;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", first);
			PlayerPrefs.Save ();

If the bool once is false i also run this bit of code in my start function

if (once = false) 
			fText.text = "1st : " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("1st");
			sText.text = "2nd : " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("2nd");
			tText.text = "3rd : " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("3rd");
			if (save < PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("2nd") && save > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("3rd")) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = save;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
			if (save < PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("1st") && save > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("2nd")) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = save;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
			if (save > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("First")) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = first;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
				first = save;
				fText.text = "1st : " + first;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", first);
			PlayerPrefs.Save ();

but this script is not working to write the player prefs to disk.
the leaderboard sets to the default values no matter what.
How do i make this function properly?

the full start function looks like this

save = SaveScore.control.saveScore;

		if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("once") == 0) 
			once =true;
		if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("once") == 1) 
			once = false;

		if (once = true) 
			if (save < 13000 && save > 7000) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = save;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", 13000);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", 20000);

			if (save < 20000 && save > 13000) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = save;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", 20000);
			if (save > 20000) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = first;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
				first = save;
				fText.text = "1st : " + first;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", first);
			PlayerPrefs.Save ();
		if (once = false) 
			fText.text = "1st : " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("1st");
			sText.text = "2nd : " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("2nd");
			tText.text = "3rd : " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("3rd");
			if (save < PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("2nd") && save > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("3rd")) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = save;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
			if (save < PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("1st") && save > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("2nd")) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = save;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
			if (save > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("First")) 
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("once", 1);
				third = second;
				tText.text = "3rd : " + third;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("3rd", third);
				second = first;
				sText.text = "2nd : " + second;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("2nd", second);
				first = save;
				fText.text = "1st : " + first;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("1st", first);
			PlayerPrefs.Save ();


 if (once = true)


 if (once = false)

should be…

 if (once == true)


 if (once == false)