how do I scroll thru a array

I’m making a better inventory for my player. So im using arrays to try to scroll thru with the mouse.

heres my script it explains it better.

var items : GameObject[];

function Update()
	//scroll here
    //item plz have it so that it makes the item in hand .active = true;
    // and have the item not in the hand .active = false;

thanks in advance

Are you looking for a simple for-loop?

var items : GameObject[];
var currentItem : GameObject;
function Update()
	for (var item : GameObject in items)
		if (item == currentItem)

If that’s all you’re doing, you probably only need to execute that loop when the weapon changes. Calling it every frame should be fine, but is a little wasteful unless the data is actually changing that often.

I wouldn’t have all the items there at once, but, however you have your array setup, I would just have an array number (ArrayNum) thats changed and checked when you want to. once that’s done, you can instantiate the prefab of that object into place by loading it from resources. Here’s an untested example.
var items : GameObject //I don’t know how you have your array setup, I would suggest you use a .txt which have splits by lines ("
" 's).
var ArrayNum = 1
var MinArrayNum = 1
var MaxArrayNum = 5

function Update(){
     if (Input.GetAxis("MouseScrollWheel") >= 0.2) && ArrayNum <= MaxArrayNum {
          ArrayNum += 1;
     else{                         //This way when you move the mouse wheel up you get a different array number
          ArrayNum = MinArrayNum;  //to reference in SwitchItem
     if (Input.GetAxis("MouseScrollWheel") <= -0.2) && ArrayNum >= MinArrayNum{
          ArrayNum -= 1;
     else{                         //Same thing here but in the opposite direction, the else in both situations keep
          ArrayNum = MaxArrayNum;  //you from exceeding the amount of objects you have, or trying to call a negative array

function SwitchItem(){
     //Probably not right but here's the general idea
     Destroy(ActiveObject);     //Probably should specify it through tag so AO = GameObject.FindWithTag("ActiveObject")
     var clone : GameObject;

     //Now I'm drawing a blank here because I'm thinking of the array as the list of names for the objects you'll have
     //In this situation, the array will have the objects' names and when you call them and instantiate them, you'll
     //have a string that will change to the specified names in the array
     var ItemName : String = "blahblah";          //Whatever you pulled from the array

     var SelectedItem = Resources.Load(ItemName);

     var SP = GameObject.Find("SelectedPoint");   //the object you want the item instantiate at, like in the character's hand
     clone = Instantiate(SelectedItem, SP.transform.position, SP.transform.rotation);

This is kinda rough but I hope it helps!