I was watching a tutotial on making a character and it didnt tell me how to correctly use the behaviourscript (javascript). how do I correctly set my behaviourscript to allow me to move my character
Well, depending on which tutorial you’re following (if you could fill in some details about that, it would help), the setup will be different.
I’m going to assume you already have added your character (or stand-in for your character) to your scene and that you’ve been supplied with an appropriate script. If this is the case, it’s likely just a matter of dragging the script (in the project pane) onto the character or, alternatively, make sure your player is selected and use the menus (Component → Script → yourScriptsName).
To figure out what the correct inputs are to control your character, open the script and poke around. If there are references to things like GetAxis(“Horizontal”), check out the input manager under Edit → Project Settings → Input.