How do i set my orthographic Camera for Retina iPad's

i want to do some stuff for Retina iPad only…
My Scene is in 2D and i use EZGui for my HUD etc…
Now on iPad1 i always use 384 in orthographic setting and all works well on iPad1… but it looks blurry on iPad2 …sure…
So if i set orthographic View to 768 ( 1536/2) and set my Textures to Pixel Perfect they become 4048x30xx …
and also my Sprite Text in Original Size look also blurry on iPad 2-4…
I set the Device to Native Device Resolution and import all textures with 2048 as GUI and true color… filtering Point…
My Texture Atlases are also fine… 2048 & GUI & True Color & Point filtering…
If i import Fonts in native Resolution there look also not really sharp on iPad Retina…
Don’t really know where the Problem is…
Plz Help! many many thxxx for taking the time!

…no one has a idea ???
Does n one work with Retina Resolutions in 2D ???