How do I set up a while loop to keep random range from picking same number.

I figure I can do/// while (transform.localPosition.y == arrayOfFloats[_targetHeight])
but what do I put here to make it re pick the random range value?
This away it doesn’t pick same number again and again.

How do I make random range more random? That and or make it not pick the same random one 40 times in a row.

Any help is welcome thanks.

Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Platform : MonoBehaviour
	#region Fields
	private int _targetHeight = 0;
	private Vector3 _originalPosition;
	#region Inspector Properties
	[Range(0.25f, 10f)]
	private float _raiseSpeed = 1f;
	[Range(0.25f, 10f)]
	private float _dropSpeed = 0.5f;

	private bool _randomizeSpeeds = false;
	private float _waitPauseDuration = 10f;
	public float[] arrayOfFloats;
	public void Awake()
		arrayOfFloats = new float[10];
		arrayOfFloats[0] = 98.197f;
		arrayOfFloats[1] = 99.188f;
		arrayOfFloats[2] = 100.182f;
		arrayOfFloats[3] = 101.173f;
		arrayOfFloats[4] = 102.1631f;
		arrayOfFloats[5] = 103.156f;
		arrayOfFloats[6] = 104.147f;
		arrayOfFloats[7] = 105.138f;
		arrayOfFloats[8] = 106.130f;
		arrayOfFloats[9] = 107.118f;
	#region Initialization
	private void Start ()
		if (transform != null) {
			_originalPosition = transform.localPosition;
	#region Motion Handling
	private IEnumerator PlatformMotionLoop()
		float targetHeightForThisFrame = 0f;
		Vector3 newLocalPos =;
		float raiseSpeed = _raiseSpeed;
		float dropSpeed = _dropSpeed;
		if (transform != null)
			while (true)
				_targetHeight = Random.Range(0, arrayOfFloats.Length);
				if (_randomizeSpeeds)
					dropSpeed = _dropSpeed + Random.Range(0f, 3f);
					raiseSpeed = _raiseSpeed + Random.Range(0f, 3f);
				while (transform.localPosition.y != arrayOfFloats[_targetHeight]) // The loop that moves the platform towards the new target height.
					if (transform.localPosition.y < arrayOfFloats[_targetHeight])
						targetHeightForThisFrame = transform.localPosition.y + Time.deltaTime * raiseSpeed;
					else if (transform.localPosition.y > arrayOfFloats[_targetHeight])
						targetHeightForThisFrame = transform.localPosition.y - Time.deltaTime * raiseSpeed;
					newLocalPos = new Vector3(_originalPosition.x, targetHeightForThisFrame, _originalPosition.z);
					transform.localPosition = newLocalPos;

					yield return null;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(_waitPauseDuration); // pause before returning the platform to its original position, after the platform has lowered itself.

I suspect the problem comes from this line:

while (transform.localPosition.y != arrayOfFloats[_targetHeight])

On each frame, you’re raising or lowering each platform by a somewhat random amount (based on an arbitrary _RaiseSpeed/_LowerSpeed variable that has then been multiplied by Time.deltaTime), so the chances of exactly hitting the arrayOfFloats[_targetHeight] seems pretty unlikely, and this while loop will never end. Even if you were to reach the exact target height, comparing for equality (on inequality, in your case) between two floats is a big no-no in computing :slight_smile:

I suggest changing the condition on the while loop to use the Mathf.Approximately method instead: Unity - Scripting API: Mathf.Approximately