how do I set up an array of class vars

I set up a class like this

class Level extends System.ValueType{
var levelNo :int;
var levelPads :int; // number af pads for level
var levelName :String;
var levelStatus :int; // editing, testing, done
var levelExtra :String; // extras

public function SetLevel(lvn:int,lvp:int,lNm:String,lSt:int,lEx:String){ 
    this.levelNo = lvn;this.levelPads = lvp;
    this.levelName = lNm;this.levelStatus = lSt;
    this.levelExtra = lEx;


then I declare the var like this

static var CustomLevels :Level = new Level();

Then i want this to be a dynamic array of Levels so I can use

CustomLevels[1].levelName = "Beginers Luck"

I will need to add and subtract to this array so I dont want a builtin array. How can I set this up? I have been getting splicing errors when I add brackets.


That fixes casting as Value type error but I still get 'levelName' is not a member of 'Object'.

static var CustomLevels = new Array(); 
CustomLevels.length = 1; 
CustomLevels[0] = new Level() as Level;// -> Fixed this ERROR 
CustomLevels[0] = InitLevel; 
print(CustomLevels[0].levelName);// -> ERROR

You cannot convert a single instance to an array just by adding brackets like you tried to do hence the error.

I would try a List<>();

import System.Collections.Generic;

static var CustomLevels = List.<Level>();

then you can call Add() and Remove() to add and subtract levels as need be.