for me no matter what i do only the host can effect the cube and the other players when they see the cube it first takes forever to find somewhere it likes and then bounces and desyncs the entire game! and before i grab the cube it floats?
I see you linked this thread from FishNet Networking’s Discord.
Doing physics in multiplayer in general is a very complex topic. I’d recommend first researching it online.
You can approach the problem in many ways, but the current newest and most developed for FishNet is PredictionV2. First you’re going to need to manually install Fishnets newest version directly from their github. Then enable it. Then follow the instructions for using prediction on Fishnet’s manual site, however word of warning V2 doesn’t have a tutorial yet so you’re going to have to figure most things out for yourself.
I agree with Quits in giving Prediction 2 a try, that will solve your issues. It is however still in experimental and as mentioned we’ve yet to create a tutorial for it.
We are aiming to get it out of experimental soon though.
Great sorry for late response how do i do that btw i have already upgraded to latest github version.
why do i need input actions?
You could use the old input system.