How do I shade something for edge-rendering?

My application requires a very simple renderer, akin to BattleZone, vector graphics, or similar.
Basically, semi-transparent faces, and thick lines for all edges.
Bonus points for extra-thick lines at the outline of the object.
In SketchUp, this style is easily available… see attached render.

I have explored 90% of the material shader menu, and can’t find much close, aside from “Unlit / Transparent” with a edged texture that needs manually re-scaled for each and every asset.

PLEASE HELP, becuase this is a cool title for Oculus Rift!

What it seems to me you are looking for is a vector or edge renderer. This is actually a non-trivial problem as a GPU program, but there are quite a few solutions out there if you google for them.

To my knowledge though it will have to be a custom renderer, Unity does not come with one.
