How do i solve this? CS1061

Soo i very new to programing and Unity and im trying to start a project but it allways show this error here and i dont know what to doo please help me Screenshot by Lightshot

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ScrollingUVs : MonoBehaviour 
    public int materialIndex = 0;
    public Vector2 uvAnimationRate = new Vector2( 1.0f, 0.0f );
    public string textureName = "_MainTex";
    public bool ScrollBump = true;
    public string bumpName = "_BumpMap";
    Vector2 uvOffset =;
    void LateUpdate() 
        uvOffset += ( uvAnimationRate * Time.deltaTime );
        if( renderer.enabled )
            renderer.materials[ materialIndex ].SetTextureOffset( textureName, uvOffset );
                renderer.materials[ materialIndex ].SetTextureOffset( bumpName, uvOffset );

When you get an error message, you should generally read the error message before you come to Unity Answers to ask how to solve it:

Type UnityEngine.Component does not contain a definition for “enabled”

The “renderer” field is of type Component, which, as the error message says, doesn’t have an enabled field.

The renderer field is also deprecated; Unity no longer supports using it, though it’s kept around for legacy purposes. This is the correct way to get a reference to your object’s Renderer:

public Renderer renderComponent;

Put this where you declare the other variables in your class. This will create a field in the Inspector that you can drag your component to. Since this is an actual Renderer type and not just a generic Component type, you can access its enabled field.