How do I solve this physics problem?

Hello there. I have this problem:


Basically the press, which has a collider and is animated with an animation clip, sometimes passes right through the cube rigidbodies without pushing them. I think the problem is that the cubes are too small, but I have already tried to increase the size, even doubling it, and it doesn’t make a difference. I already enabled “Animate Physics” and played around with the Physics settings, including “Min Penetration for Penality”, “Solver Iteration Count” and Time settings such as “Fixed Timestep”. This, however, doesn’t change anything. This is a very important part of my project and I would be very disappointed if I didn’t find the solution! How would you approach this?

Thanks in advance,


Is your pushing object a kinematic rigidbody?

If not it looks like the problem is your rigidbodies are falling asleep after they land, then the push object is passing right through them. When another box falls on top of it they “wake up” and react to physics again. I notice in your video it only works when the push happens right after a box lands and before it can fall asleep. If the push object is kinematic it should be waking them up as soon as it hits them.

Check out
and try some of the suggestions for preventing your rigidbodies from falling asleep.

Use a ‘box’ collider for all your objects instead of mesh colliders.
Secondly, set your rigibody physics collision detection to ‘continuous’ or ‘continuous dynamic’

If that still doesn’t work, try attaching this script to your little box objects…

Well, this is exactly the problem that continuous collision detection is supposed to fix - you could give it a try. Set the little boxes to ContinuousDynamic, and the animated box to Continuous.