How do I specify build number when submitting to iTune Connect?

When submitting a new build (after a rejection) to iTunes connect you have to ether change the version number or keep the same version number but increment the build number. Then submitting a build with Version number=1.05, build number=2, in iTunes connect under ‘Build’ you can see this:

1.05 (2)

When submitting a Mac App I use an Asset that allows me to specify both Version number and build number. But there is no way to specify the build number when submitting an iOS build.

Is there a way to specify the build number for iOS builds?

You can change it in 2 ways,

(1) For iOS and Android Both :

  • Build Setting → Player Setting - > Other Setting →
    Then go to Identification Tab and you can change your build version ( you have to increase version number with older+1 ).

(2) For iOS Only : You can set it from Xcode also ,

→ Open your project in Xcode
→ Select Targets ( click on your app/game )
→ Goto General Tab
→ In Identify Column you have to specify your Version number and Build number (set those with value older + 1).