You ought to look up some tutorials around using arrays and/or lists as when you have a large or unknown number of things to save that are related to each other, is prime use! Here’s an example of how you might solve your problem:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class CubeSwitcher : MonoBehaviour {
string[] cubePrefix; //array of prefixes to append to "cube" to lookup gameobject names
GameObject[] cubes; //the cubes that we find
int playerCount; //the number of cubes found
int playerSelect; //the current active cube
void Start () {
cubePrefix = new string[3]{"L", "T", "Z"};
List<GameObject> c = new List<GameObject>();
playerSelect = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++){
GameObject go = GameObject.Find(cubePrefix *+ "Cube");*
if(go != null){ //if we didn't find the object, skip it!*
if(c.Count == playerSelect){*
go.SetActive(true); //if this cube is the currently selected one, activate!*
go.SetActive(false); //else deactivate*
c.Add(go); //then add it to our list and carry on*
cubes = c.ToArray(); //make our list an array*
playerCount = cubes.Length; //save the number of objects found*
// Update is called once per frame*
void Update(){*
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)){*
playerSelect = (playerSelect+1)%playerCount;*
// the '%' in 'a%b' returns the remainder after the division of a/b*
//hence this moves through our objects cyclically*
//(the last item goes back to the first item)*
//look up modulo arithmetic for more info!*
for(int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++){*
_ cubes*.SetActive(i == playerSelect); //set active if currently selected*_ * }* * }* * }* } hope that helps, Scribe