I am doing an inventory system controlled with keyboard (no mouse) and I’m implementing a drop/remove item function.
When I select an inventory slot it gathers the slot infos (location, item inside, etc.)
When I deselect of course I clear the variables
I’m using the new input system, I’ve set up a key (DELETE) for that function, the thing is that every time I select a button, I’m adding the performed event, and so all the slots I’ve been on will be deleted, cause I’m not unsubscribing the event.
The code is this:
public void OnSelect(GameObject obj)
selectedItem.destinationObj = obj;
if (itemsDisplayed.ContainsKey(obj))
selectedItem.destinationItem = itemsDisplayed[obj];
inputInventory.InventoryUInavigation.Drop.performed += ctx => inventory.RemoveItem(itemsDisplayed[obj].item);
public void OnDeselect(GameObject obj)
selectedItem.destinationObj = null;
selectedItem.destinationItem = null;
As you can see, I have this method called RemoveItem that needs a variable to pass, which is the slot I’m on. I have seen that you can unsubscribe if you write something like this:
public void Drop(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
// Do things
and then
inputInventory.InventoryUInavigation.Drop.performed += Drop;
inputInventory.InventoryUInavigation.Drop.performed -= Drop;
But I need to pass a variable on that method, and with this I can’t do it. Please help me