How do I unsubscribe from the newsletter?

How do I unsubscribe from the newsletter?

I can’t find the unsubscribe link in the email I just got. How do I remove my email address from the mailing list? I never wanted to sign up for any newsletter. I hate when sites automatically force me to receive a newsletter just to use their website.

a) remove me from the newsletter mailing list, b) add an unsubscribe link to each future email, AND c) Make subscribing to the newsletter optional.

Thank you, and have a nice day.


You can change that in your user profile, then user tools (besides your real name) and email notification settings.

I realize that, but nothing on that page had anything to do with the newsletter!

Have you checked for a link inside the news letter? Usually there is a “unsubrcibe” link at the bottom of the letter.

For instance, in the last letter I got from unity it said:

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Good luck!