How do I upgrade the GoogleVR SDK in a project to current release?

I attempted removing the plugin by removing the GoogleVR directory and importing the new version of the package.

This seemed to work. I could build and run my app and my 360 degree video works, but when I selected vr mode, which sets XRSettings.enabled = true, the application showed a single view with a reticle which would not respond to movements.

When debugging, Logcat was filled with :

(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 48)
E/GvrShimUnity: getControllerConnectionStatus device index out of range
E/Unity: GvrShimUnity_getControllerConnectionStatus returned error.

the error is indicating that the unity gvr integration plugin is trying to talk to a controller that doesnt exist. what sets of plugins/etc are you using to hit this error? have you tried the new version XR Plugins and Subsystems