How do I use an enemy's OnTriggerEnter to collide with stationary player?

I have a player ship and many enemy ships (prefab). I want the ship to collide with enemies (ship takes damage, enemies are destroyed), but I don’t want enemies to collide with enemies (don’t want them to destroy each other).

Here’s how I have tried to do this. Ship and enemy prefab have Colliders, ship has a Rigidbody. Ship is the Trigger. I use OnTriggerEnter in the ship’s script.

Problem: if the ship is stationary, enemies pass right through it.

How do I get enemies to ignore each other, but collide with the the stationary ship? If I need to use Triggers then I will. If I shouldn’t use Triggers, please tell me that also.

Simply add kinematic rigidbodies to the ship and the enemies: trigger events will be generated no matter if the ship is static or moving.

This should help you Unity - Scripting API: Physics.IgnoreCollision