I am pretty new to Unity and am currently trying to move my “Player”.
But it won’t move at all, the only thing that worked was turning it using transform.Rotate().
I guess it has something to do with what my “Player” is made of.
Right now i somewhat made a Voxel-like charakter like the Charackters out of the game “Trove” completely out of cubes in Unity, because i don’t know how to use 3D modelling-programmes. And i even already animated it (idle, walking…).
So it consists out of a lot of animated 3D Objects. The Basic Group (My Character) containing the Bodyparts has attached the Transformer, an Animation Handler, the Character Controller, and the Controller Script. Each bodypart just has the Transformer, and the individuel cubes each have the Transformer, the Mesh Filter, The Box Collider and the Mesh Renderer.
After much trial and error i applied the most basic movement i could find and it still won’t work… so i applied the same script to a capsule and it works totally fine…
Is the whole way i am doing this wrong and i should use something like Blender or am i just missing something?
For those who want to look at it closer i attach My Assets containing my “Player” the Scene and everything else vital.
PS: I’am german so sorry for my probably bad english
Edit: I applied a new scirpt only containing the basic movement code mentioned in my comment below, now my Character moves only up, does anyone know why? Then i made a new Character containing 3 capsules, applied the basic movement script, and even animated it, no Problems at all… tried the same using 2 cubes… it moves for like 1 sec and then gets stuck or it can only jump. Does the Character Controller have some problems with cubes or what?