How do I use multiple animations at once.

Can someone please explain this in great detail, because I’m not understanding exactly how it’s done after doing my research.

I have a character that is constantly in the “idle” animation state, ofcourse it has a Walk/Run animation, but it’s defaulted to idle. I want to use my attack animation, but once it starts it instantly dies out, now, if i mash the button to attack, the animation will play through, about one frame at a time, really choppy.

Is there a way to just make more than one animation play at once?

you can assign your animations to different layers and crossfade and blend them, so animations cant play over each other on the same layer, but can blend across different layers. check this out: [Unity - Manual: Animation Layers][1]

That is the new mecanim link, but I am used to the old Unity Legacy animation scripting:

Either should help you out :slight_smile:
[1]: Unity - Manual: Animation Layers