How do make the script work with multiple cars

Im making a game where the player could enter the vehicle and exit and roam around etc. now ive made a quick script where the player could enter and leave the vehicle. But it does not work with other vehicles. Example when i have 2 vehicles with the script attached to both of them and when i get in a vehicle on i can controll both of the vehicles at the same time.

Heres the script

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using NWH.VehiclePhysics2.Input;

public class EnteringSystem : MonoBehaviour
    public Animator TheUiAnimator;
    public GameObject TheCar;
    InputSystemVehicleInputProvider TheCarScript;
    public GameObject SteeringWheelSupport;
    public Transform PlayersPosition;
    public Transform PlayersOgposition;
    private GameObject Player;
    private bool CanEnterCar;
    public static bool InCar = false;
    private CharacterController Contr;
    public Animation Transition;
    SmoothFpsController SmoothFpsControl;
    public AudioSource GetInCarFX;

    public Camera playerCamera;  // Reference to the player's camera
    public float interactionDistance = 5f;  // Distance for the raycast to detect the car

    void Start()
        TheCarScript = TheCar.GetComponent<InputSystemVehicleInputProvider>();
        Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); // Find the player object
        SmoothFpsControl = Player.GetComponent<SmoothFpsController>();
        Contr = Player.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        playerCamera = Camera.main;  // Assuming the main camera is the player’s camera

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return))
            if (CanEnterCar)
                if (InCar == false) // Entering the car
                else // Exiting the car

        if (MainMenu.SteeringWheelOn && InCar)

    void PerformRaycast()
        RaycastHit hit;

        // Perform the raycast from the center of the player's camera
        if (Physics.Raycast(playerCamera.transform.position, playerCamera.transform.forward, out hit, interactionDistance))
            // Check if we hit the car
            if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Car"))
                CanEnterCar = true;
                TheUiAnimator.Play("Appear"); // Show UI for entering
                CanEnterCar = false;
                TheUiAnimator.Play("Away"); // Hide UI if not looking at the car
            CanEnterCar = false;
            TheUiAnimator.Play("Away"); // Hide UI if raycast doesn't hit anything

    IEnumerator GetInCar()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
        PlayersOgposition.position = Player.transform.position;
        SmoothFpsControl.canMove = false; // Disable FPS controls while in the car
        TheCarScript.enabled = true; // Enable car controls
        InCar = true;
        Contr.enabled = false; // Disable character controller
        Player.transform.position = PlayersPosition.position; // Set player's position to car seat
        TheUiAnimator.Play("Appear"); // Play UI animation for entering

    IEnumerator GetOutOfCar()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
        SmoothFpsControl.canMove = true; // Re-enable FPS controls
        TheCarScript.enabled = false; // Disable car controls
        InCar = false;
        Player.transform.SetParent(null); // Detach player from car
        Player.transform.position = PlayersOgposition.position; // Set player back to original position
        Contr.enabled = true; // Re-enable character controller
        TheUiAnimator.Play("Away"); // Play UI animation for exiting

Your InCar variable is static, so if you set InCar for one car then it’s true for all cars. Make it not static instead.