How do RPCMode.All and Others work?

I’ve been experimenting with these two and I have noticed the .All doesn’t work properly with the host/server, however I am looking for clarification on something else.

How does RPCMode.All and Others work? Do they send to the server to send to everyone else or…?

RPCMode.All behavior on Client:

  1. Calls RPC function locally similar to Invoke without networking involved.
  2. Sends RPC call to server.
  3. Server transmits the call to other clients except the sender client.

RPCMode.All behavior on Server:

  1. Calls RPC function locally similar to Invoke without networking involved.
  2. Sends RPC call to other players.

RPCMode.Others behavior is same as above but without the first step. Once again -
be aware that RPCMode.All will not wait for the server to respond back to the client.

RPCMode.All sens the RPC to everyone. It doesn’t matter if they are server or client, it wil send to everyone, including yourself. RPCMode.Others will send it to everyone except the player who sent it. You can read about it here. If you can’t get them to work properly you should post the code here so we can help you find out what’s wrong.