How do think about implement a matchmaking feature that does not allow server allocation?

I am using the matchmaking service very well.
However, there is one thing that would be nice to have.

Current matchmaker allocate multiplay hosting server if there is no avaliable server

I am creating an unusual case, and the thing I need is option that control to allocate multiplay hosting server or not

I would like to ask you what you think about this feature and if you would be willing to add it.

I would also like to ask if this could be implemented in a different way, and if so, how.

As far as I know, the Matchmaker service can be used together with the Relay service for client-hosted games. Details should be in the manual.

Other than that I guess your best shot is to control Matchmaking and server allocation via Cloud Code - but I’m not sure if this possible. Check if the necessary APIs are supported by the Cloud Code service.

Thanks for answer but I’m planing to use multiplay hosting only

I think it’s the only way is make using cloud code and APIs