I am creating a custom inspector using UI Toolkit, and I’d like to have a progress bar that displays the current health of the actor.
I have already drawn the progress bar (and set the upper / lower values) via C#. This works, however it’s not automatically redrawing. I have to select a different GO in the scene and go back to see it update. I assume the problem is that I need to bind to a serialized property but I am not sure how to do that with the Progress bar since it needs to bind two - the upper and the lower.
Here’s the C# code that I have, incase it is helpful:
This might work. I’m stuck on trying to figure out how to bind to a nested property though. My Player class (which is the inspector I’m modifying) looks loosely like this:
public partial class Player : MonoBehaviour
///irrelevant stuff above
public Health Health;
and then health looks like:
public class Health
///irrelevant stuff above
public int TotalHealth;
public int CurrentHealth;
I’ve written some C# for the Inspector, which looks like this for the binding (I’ve tried a few things here - but this is the latest):
SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(_player);
SerializedProperty sp = so.FindProperty("Health.CurrentHealth");
_healthBar.TrackPropertyValue(sp, (e) => { Debug.Log(e.intValue); });
I get an error telling me that sp is null. How do I set this to be a nested property? (I have searched a lot online, but nothing I’ve found has worked.)
Double check if your Health instance is being serialised? If it’s not being serialised/showing in the inspector, there’ll be no serialised property. If it is, you can right click it and there should be an option to copy it’s property path.