How would you create a realistic wheel of fortune style prize wheel? I’m talking about a spinning cylinder with pegs on the outside and then a flexible stick that hits the pegs to slow it down (the wheel also has friction). The stick bending and then snapping back into place with each peg hit is important. Ideally it would have those suspenseful last peg hits occassionally where you aren’t sure at which prize the wheel will stop. I’m not interested in the creation of the wheel so much as the physics behind everything in the scene.
I ran a quick test and ended up with a wheel that worked well and had those suspenseful last peg hits. My recipe:
- Created a flat cylinder for the base.
- Replaced the default capsule collider with a mesh collider on the base.
- Added a Rigidbody to the base.
- Enabled ‘Freeze Position’ for x,y, and z;
- Turned off gravity
- Enabled ‘Freeze Rotation’ for x and z (y still allowed to move).
- Added pegs as children. They had colliders, but no Rigidbodies.
- Added flipper.
- Added Rigidbody to flipper
- Added hinge joint to flipper with anchor on the right edge of flipper
- Set joint axis to ‘Y’
- Enabled ‘Use Spring’ and set Spring to 11 and damper to 1
- Added the standard DragRigidbody script to an empty game object.
I’m sure by playing with the settings you can refine this setup even more.
Can U show us a code of your wheel of fortune please