How do you deal with all the notch designs in your 2D mobile games?

As the title reads - there are so many notch designs nowadays that I find it basically impossible to prepare for all of them in a meaningful way which lets you incorporate them into your design. Thus, the focus is more or the least obtrusive way of getting around them, usually using the safeZone information of the screen.

How do you handle this info, though? Do you only scale/move your GUI so that it fits into the safeZone or do you prefer just slapping black bars on the non-safe rows? Do you alter the game itself or just scale it all down with some algorithm - or, quite the contrary, you leave everything as-is and just move the GUI elements out of the problematic areas praying to notch gods it won’t look like trash on some phones?

Hello @Tigro ,
A package that can help visualise all these notch designs is the Device simulator package. Once visualised, it is a lot easier to reason with the UI design, and how to best accommodate the UI around the notches. Do note however, that this is a preview package.

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@Ted_Wikman oh, that looks really neat, thanks a lot, will surely give it a spin!

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