I clicked on “learn” and “projects” was already selected and I downloaded the “New User Micro-Game: Karting” one and when I went to start it, I was told by the hub that I need to install other stuff to make it work. It never told me it wasn’t compatible. It doesn’t list any compatibility so how is anyone supposed to know. How do I delete this?
You will need to find the unity3d/Asset Store folder. In my case, it was hidden, so I had to search me entire hard drive for all files created the day it was downloaded to figure out where it was squirreled away. Once you can manually delete the package. When I opened UnityHub again, it was gone with no observable ill effects.
I found the project file under ▸ Users ▸ < my user folder > ▸ Library ▸ Unity
I wanted to moved the folder onto a “case insensitive” drive.