How do you destroy clones without destroying the original?

So, I’ve tried to make my code destroy all of my clones of my sphere game object without destroying the original. But, as you will probably see, I have no idea how to. I tried looking at previous questions, but I couldn’t quite comprehend how I could alter the ideas to fit my code. So, here is my code and I hope you guys can help me :slight_smile:

void Update ()
		if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire3")) {
			Destroy (Sphere(Clone));

You need to have a reference to to object that you want to destroy.
Just putting the name of the object into the Destroy function does not work.
If you like to destroy every object that is named “Sphere(Clone)” you have to search for them first.

Or even better keep a array with the clones that you spawn. That way you can loop through the clones and destroy them.