How do you get projector space coordinates in shader graph?

I am trying to convert an older HLSL projector shader into shader graph. In the HLSL shader, I could get the projector space coordinates having this in the vertex output struct:

output.posProj = mul(unity_Projector, input.vertex);
output.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(input.vertex);
output.uv = mul(unity_ProjectorClip, input.vertex);

How do you do this in a shader graph shader?

EDIT: Edited a mistake in the code sample

Hi @ScottySR,

I you create a Shader Graph and set its Sub Target to Decal, the UV Node should already give you what you need, accounting for tiling and offset set in the Projector.
I’m using a Fraction node here to better illustrate the UV tiling and offset.

The Object Node may also help if you need to do some math based on the Projector position.

Hope this helps.