I need to log into a different account than my personal one on the computer I am using. I have unity already installed and running on my account. How to I log into another account? Any ideas?
Ok, I figured it out. I had to go to the asset store and sign in there. There is an account drop down in the upper right corner where you can do it. But you can also just try to put in the license and it will ask you to log in there.
The Unity license system is machine based, so it is coupled to your computer. Every Pro license is valid for one person on two different machines. Assuming you have a Unity license, there are essentially four possibilities:
- you never activated the license on your computer, under any account, and you haven’t activated your license so far on any computer, or only on one different computer: Just activate Unity with your Serial number
- you already activated Unity on this computer, but using a different user account: this doesn’t matter. Either Unity will already be activated for all User accounts on that machine, or if it is not, just re-enter your license under the Windows account you need
- you already activated Unity on two other machines: in this case one activation has to be re-assigned by Unity Support. Enter your serial number and follow the instructions.
- you already activated Unity on your computer, but now need to use a different Unity “account” (and therefore also different license number) on that same machine: not sure this would pose a problem. and why do you need to do that? two solutions: just try switching the license, or install another copy of Unity at a different location and activated that one with the other account.
Which one is it?