How do you make a function available to a character, depending on what they are holding? C#

I am making a short game where the player character is able to pick up a powerup which then allows projectile attacks to happen. I’m quite a noob with coding, and I’m trying this in C#

By default the PC can do melee attacks, but I am trying to figure out how to specify ‘if character is holding a gun, they can now shoot bullets’. I have the actual animation and controls prepared, but I know I’m missing something to check if the PC is holding the gun. Here is my code so far (I’m removing the code for other controls from this part):

void Update () {

		if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { 												
			animator.SetTrigger ("Punch");																	

		if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire2")) 																		
			animator.SetTrigger ("Shooting1Hand");																// plays shoot animation when spell button is pressed

Any help would be much appreciated!

bool hasGun;

        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) // order of operations. GetButtonUp will trigger last.  ( GetButtonDown > GetButton >GetButtonUp)
            if (canShoot)
                //do shooting stuff here
            else {
                //do punching stuff here
        if (Input.GetButton("Fire2") && hasGun) // as the player holds down the button and has a gun
            canShoot = true; // the player can shoot
        else {
            canShoot = false; // the player can not shoot, they are either not holding the button down OR they dont have a gun

GetButtonDown is only true for 1 frame just as the button is pressed. GetButton is true for the duration of the pressed button. GetButtonUp is true on the last frame the button is lifted.