How do you make a separate blend tree asset?


How do you make the blend tree “separate”?

When a I create a blend tree in an animation controller nothing shows up in the assets.

I believe that a blend tree is embedded in the animation controller and can’t be created on his own as an asset.
You might want to take a look at animation controller override asset instead.

Hmm, that doesn’t seem to be it, I need the BlendTree to be an asset so it can be referenced by another script’s public BlendTree tree property. I managed to create one by just copying the asset data, but I couldn’t find a way to create one through the editor.

Well accessing the BlendTree through a script and having it as an asset are two different things.

Here’s a thread that talks about that:

What are you trying to do with that blend tree?

I’m following Unity.Animation samples along and this is the pattern they seem to follow.

public class AnimationAuthor : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity, IDeclareReferencedPrefabs
    public BlendTree BlendTree;
    public GameObject RigPrefab;

    public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager manager, GameObjectConversionSystem converter)

        var blendTreeIndex = BlendTreeConversion.Convert(BlendTree, rigEntity, manager, bakeOptions);
        manager.AddComponentData(rigEntity, new BlendTreeIndex { Value = blendTreeIndex });

It seems to be how they get UnityEngine animations into the ECS world

From there the inputs to the blend tree are generated by a data flow graph (I think)

I’m honestly not sure about all that. The only thing I know is that you can create a blend tree in an asset in advance and override the animations using the “animation controller override” asset. That’s what I do.

        [MenuItem("Assets/Create/Blend Tree")]
        private static void CreateBlendTree()
            var asset = new BlendTree();
            MethodInfo _tryGetActiveFolderPath = typeof(ProjectWindowUtil).GetMethod("TryGetActiveFolderPath", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            object[] args = new object[] { null };
            bool found = (bool)_tryGetActiveFolderPath.Invoke(null, args);
            string path = (string)args[0];
            if (found)
                path += "/" + $"{ObjectNames.GetUniqueName(new[] { "NewBlendTree" }, "NewBlendTree")}.asset";
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, path);