How do you remove the "Burst" package permanently?


I used to add a package called Burst from a tutorial I followed, but now I’m stuck with the package. It wouldn’t be a problem to just leave it there, but now I can’t push my projects on Github with Github desktop. There is always bugs since, like:

Even if I try to remove the package in Unity on the Package Manager tab → Packages: Unity Registry, the “remove” button is disabled, and I found nowhere on the internet a way to delete it permanently. Since then, a “Job” tab has been added and I found no way to remove it…


I’m stuck with that since 2 days… I hope someone will be able to find a solution.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

How do you remove the “Burst” package

  1. Open ...\PROJECT_DIR\Packages\manifest.json text file
  2. Delete the "com.unity.burst": "x.x.x", line (mind the json formating)

This will delete it. The version you yourself installed at least. Some packages list Burst in their dependency chain.

But that is besides the point, since provided error log has 0 references to Burst and every one of them references mostly harmless warnings caused by 2d animation package.

Hey @andrew-lukasik
First, thank you for your reply.

On the manifest.json file, there is no such file or anything about the burst package…

But there is another file called: package-lock.json. I found something about Burst on that at 2 differents places. I deleted them both but they keep on coming back when I open my project.

I wonder if there is also a way to delete the burst package from all the projects at the same time as well.

If I create a new project, the burst package is automatically added in all my projects.


Hey, this is not a direct solution to your problem, but a workaround: You could just use the git lfs (large file system) which allows to track files over the 100mb size.