I have here a Float value that is lerped from “min-max” on a TouchPhase.Stationary,
when I enter the TouchPhase.Ended , its meant to lerp back to 0.
Instead what happens is it lerps up fine, but when i let off the button, it instantly goes to the desired value. (not lerping)
Then…if I re-enter the TouchPhase.Stationary , instead of the value being “minimum”
, it’s stuck at “maximum”.
Here’s what I have so far. (I have moved them to the function Update () to no avail.
var minimum : float = 0;
var maximum : float = 2000;
var CurrentRPM : float = 0;
function Update () {
for (var touch : Touch in Input.touches)
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary && ThrottleButton.HitTest (touch.position)) {
LerpAccelup ();
else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && ThrottleButton.HitTest) {
LerpAccelDown ();
function LerpAccelup (){
t += Time.deltaTime;
CurrentRPM = Mathf.Lerp (minimum , maximum, t/3 );
function LerpAccelDown (){
t += Time.deltaTime;
CurrentRPM = Mathf.Lerp (maximum, minimum, t/3);
Thanks! Tim.
Mathf.Lerp (A : float, B : float, t : float) returns a value between A and B based on t, where t is between 0 and 1.
In order to properly use this, you need to take more care in tracking what the value of t is. Debug.Log(t) would be handy for this.
It seems like you are trying to manipulate the value of t such that it moves towards 1 when the player touches the screen, and move toward 0 when they let go. However, you are only ever increasing the value of t. So, it starts at 0 and then continually increases regardless of what the player is doing.
Based on your functions, this could work if you first use
t = 1 - t;
when you want to switch directions. This would only complicate things, though.
Instead, try using Mathf.Clamp01(t) in order to keep the value of t between 0 and 1, and decrease the value of t when you want to decelerate. Then, just Lerp between minimum and maximum regardless of whether you are accelerating or decelerating:
var minimum : float = 0;
var maximum : float = 2000;
var accelerationSpeed : float = 0.3;
var CurrentRPM : float = 0;
function Update () {
for (var touch : Touch in Input.touches)
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary && ThrottleButton.HitTest (touch.position)) {
t += Time.deltaTime * accelerationSpeed;
else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && ThrottleButton.HitTest) {
t -= Time.deltaTime * accelerationSpeed;
t = Mathf.Clamp01(t);
CurrentRPM = Mathf.Lerp (minimum , maximum, t);}
Also, I noticed that you were dividing t by 3 in your lerp call. I assume that you were trying to slow the lerp. Instead, you should use a float variable to represent this acceleration speed and then use it to alter the amount added or subtracted from t (see above).
Hope this helps. -Joaquin