How do you Rotate or Move Body Parts( Bones) through Scripting?

I want to do things like random movement of arms, head turning, etc, bending arms,
But i don’t know how to do it. Is there a way to apply transforms to body parts. And would i need to drag a script to each body part i want?

You just need a script on the parent object. The below may be useful to you:

You can perform your transforms on the referenced bone objects

How Exactly?

LIke say i have a hierarchy Object

Warrior: hip: Ches: Arm

and i want to lift the arm forward or side ways or rotate the arm.
I would only use ROTATE transforms right? not any other kind of transform. but anyways. how?

Would this work:
transform.Rotate(Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

THis would be X axis so would this mean the arm would lift up to the side?
and to .

It’s confusing.

Yes you use transform.Rotate.

You will have to look at your arm’s local axis in order to know which axis to rotate it around.