I am trying to build my mobile game, but I keep getting an error that says gradle build failed. When I click on the error and scroll I see the following info:
A problem occurred configuring project ‘:launcher’.
Could not create an instance of type com.android.build.api.variant.impl.ApplicationVariantImpl. > Namespace not specified. Specify a namespace in the module’s build file. See App-Modul konfigurieren | Android Studio | Android Developers for information about setting the namespace.
I put namespace “com.unity3d.player” at the top of the android block, but it is still giving me the same error. Is there anything i have to change in the manifest file?
What is the name of the namespace we should specified? I don’t understand the purpose of it. And we can’t just spacified the same name as our package name
I want to add that recently when I would upgrade from older project to new version of unity, I would delete all gradle and xml related to android build and then re-enabled the player setting option to make unity regenerate new one. Sometimes it add namespace automatically and the build would mostly success normally