How do you set up multiple navmesh agents to one target/destinations?

How do you set up navmesh agents to go to multiple destinations. Am making a hunting game, level by level number of wolf will increase but Levle fail or complete on the wolf that is at “0” num.Remaing all atack or killed by me no change occur…

NavMeshAgent agent;
	void Start () {
		agent= GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
		agent.destination = enemy *.position;*
  • }*

  • void Update () {*

_ if (enemy ) {_

_ var Distance = Vector3.Distance (enemy .position, transform.position);
* var Distance1 = Vector3.Distance (gaurd.position, transform.position);*_

* if (Distance > 1 && Distance <= 2) {*
* agent.SetDestination (gaurd.position);*
* animation.Play (“death”);*
* dead = true;*
* if (animation [“death”].enabled == true) {*
* agent.Stop (true);*
* print (“dead true”);*
* dead = true;*
* }*

* } else if (Distance > 3 && Distance <= 4) {*
* agent.SetDestination (gaurd.position);*
* animation.Play (“getHit”);*
* agent.Stop (true);*
* } else if (Distance >= 5 && Distance <= 40) {*
* agent.speed = 4;*
* agent.SetDestination (gaurd.position);*
* animation.Play (“run”);*

* } else if (Distance >= 41 && Distance <= 70) {*
* agent.speed = 2;*
* agent.SetDestination (gaurd.position);*
* animation.Play (“walk”);*

* }*
* }*

* else*
* {*
* animation.Play(“Take 001”);*
* agent.Stop(true);*
* deadWolf=true;*
* }*
* } *
* }*

you could try setting the destination to different positions as

agent.SetDestination (gaurd.position);

will go to the same place (assuming the guard transform is not moving that is).
however you would want to use your enemy*.position you need to define what ‘i’ actually is, it may help your understanding if you manually put first enemy[0].position then enemy[1].position i.e*
SetDestination( enemy[0].position );