How do you show another classes variable inside another?

I have been looking around no for awhile to try and see if I could work this out on my own. I do not this I am asking the question right though. Here is a java version of what I would like.

` #pragma strict

class SomeFloats {
	// The maximum horizontal speed when moving
	var float1 : float = 10.0;
	var float2 : float = 10.0;
	var float3 : float = 10.0;

var hereAreSomeFloats : SomeFloats = SomeFloats();

class MoreFloats {
	// The maximum horizontal speed when moving
	var float4 : float = 10.0;
	var float5 : float = 10.0;
	var float6 : float = 10.0;

var hereAreSomeMoreFloats : MoreFloats = MoreFloats();

In this example there is are two arrows with variables under them.

This has been done in java script, and I have gone through and looked at what they have done, but I want to do this in C#. There is no urgent reason that I need this, but I would like to know out of curiosity.

To have variable from another class show in the editor the other class need to be serializable.

public class Test
   public int someInt;
   float someFloat; //won't be shown

public class MyComponent : Monobehaviour

    public string myString;
    public Test myTest;


With this if you put this script on a GameObject, you’ll see in the editor a field for myString, and a foldable field for myTest, where you’ll be able to see and edit the someInt field.