My friend and i are just making a basic FPS game (i know very cliche) and he’s made a revolver and a Thompson using blender, I’ve made the revolver shoot with every click but when i switch weapons to the thompson it continues to be single shot.
how can i make it that the revolver stays single shot and the thompson to change to fully automatic whenever i switch guns?
here’s my gunscript I’ve been using… sorry if it seems messy i’m still an amateur :S
var beingHeld: boolean = false;
var outsideBox: GameObject;
var countToThrow: int = -1;
var playerTransform : Transform;
var playerMovementScript : playermovement;
var cameraObject : GameObject;
var targetXRotation : float;
var targetYRotation : float;
var targetXRotationV : float;
var targetYRotationV : float;
var rotateSpeed : float = 0.3;
var holdHeight :float = -0.5;
var holdSlide : float = 0.5;
var ratioHipHold : float = 1;
var hipToAimSpeed : float = 0.1;
var ratioHipHoldV : float;
var aimRatio : float = 0.4;
var zoomAngle : float = 30;
var fireSpeed : float = 15;
var waitTilNextFire : float = 0;
var bullet : GameObject;
var bulletspawn : GameObject;
var shootAngleRandomizationAiming : float = 5;
var shootAngleRandomizationNotAiming : float = 15;
var recoilAmount : float = 0.5;
var recoilRecoverTime : float = 0.2;
var currentRecoilZPos : float;
var currentRecoilZPosV : float;
var bulletSound : GameObject;
var muzzleFlash : GameObject;
var gunbobAmountX : float = 0.5;
var gunbobAmountY : float = 0.5;
var currentGunbobX : float;
var currentGunbobY : float;
function Awake ()
countToThrow = -1;
playerTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform;
playerMovementScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent(playermovement);
cameraObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");
function LateUpdate ()
if (beingHeld)
rigidbody.useGravity = false;
outsideBox.GetComponent(Collider).enabled = false;
currentGunbobX = Mathf.Sin(cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).headbobStepCounter) * gunbobAmountX * ratioHipHold;
currentGunbobY = Mathf.Cos(cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).headbobStepCounter * 2) * gunbobAmountY * -1 * ratioHipHold;
var holdmuzzleFlash : GameObject;
var holdSound : GameObject;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
if (waitTilNextFire <= 0)
if (bullet)
Instantiate(bullet,bulletspawn.transform.position, bulletspawn.transform.rotation);
if (bulletSound)
holdSound = Instantiate(bulletSound,bulletspawn.transform.position, bulletspawn.transform.rotation);
if (muzzleFlash)
holdmuzzleFlash = Instantiate(muzzleFlash,bulletspawn.transform.position, bulletspawn.transform.rotation);
targetXRotation += (Random.value - 0.5) * Mathf.Lerp(shootAngleRandomizationAiming, shootAngleRandomizationNotAiming, ratioHipHold);
targetYRotation += (Random.value - 0.5) * Mathf.Lerp(shootAngleRandomizationAiming, shootAngleRandomizationNotAiming, ratioHipHold);
currentRecoilZPos -= recoilAmount;
waitTilNextFire = 6;
waitTilNextFire -= Time.deltaTime * fireSpeed;
if (holdSound)
holdSound.transform.parent = transform;
if (holdmuzzleFlash)
holdmuzzleFlash.transform.parent = transform;
currentRecoilZPos = Mathf.SmoothDamp( currentRecoilZPos, 0, currentRecoilZPosV, recoilRecoverTime);
cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).currentTargetCameraAngle = zoomAngle;
if (Input.GetButton("Fire2")){
cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).currentAimRatio = aimRatio;
ratioHipHold = Mathf.SmoothDamp(ratioHipHold, 0, ratioHipHoldV, hipToAimSpeed);}
if (Input.GetButton("Fire2") == false){
cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).currentAimRatio = 1;
ratioHipHold = Mathf.SmoothDamp(ratioHipHold, 1, ratioHipHoldV, hipToAimSpeed);}
transform.position = cameraObject.transform.position + (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYRotation,0) * Vector3(holdSlide * ratioHipHold + currentGunbobX, holdHeight * ratioHipHold + currentGunbobY, 0) + Quaternion.Euler(targetXRotation, targetYRotation,0) * Vector3(0,0,currentRecoilZPos));
targetXRotation = Mathf.SmoothDamp( targetXRotation, cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).xRotation, targetXRotationV, rotateSpeed);
targetYRotation = Mathf.SmoothDamp( targetYRotation, cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).yRotation, targetYRotationV, rotateSpeed);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(targetXRotation, targetYRotation, 0);
if (!beingHeld)
rigidbody.useGravity = true;
outsideBox.GetComponent(Collider).enabled = true;
countToThrow -= 1;
if (countToThrow == 0)
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(0, playerMovementScript.throwGunUpForce, playerMovementScript.throwGunForwardForce);
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, playerTransform.position) < playerMovementScript.distToPickUpGun && Input.GetButtonDown("Use Key") && playerMovementScript.waitFrameForSwitchGuns <= 0)
playerMovementScript.currentGun.GetComponent(Gunscript).beingHeld = false;
playerMovementScript.currentGun.GetComponent(Gunscript).countToThrow = 2;
playerMovementScript.currentGun = gameObject;
beingHeld = true;
targetYRotation = cameraObject.GetComponent(mouselookscript).yRotation - 180;
playerMovementScript.waitFrameForSwitchGuns = 2;