I’m working towards implementing AI in my game.
I’ve been doing some very bass ackwards and rough things to test the very simple AI I’ve created. I do this because creating a whole new project is a pain in the butt, and all of the scripts that I’ve created are so interdependent, I don’t know how to test them. If one script doesn’t have another script to reference, or a value is null then things don’t work. I also have about 6 different versions of my game on the hard disk, some are copied from the dropbox (which is full now), others are just left over from months ago. Its a pain in the butt to figure out what the latest one is, and I don’t even know which one is my most current one unless I open it.
I suppose I should have made cases for that now.
How do you usually test different systems?
And should I implement some code to handle a script being nonexistent? My intuition screams at me “YES YOU SHOULD YOU DUMMY” but the other part of my groans about it.
In my defense I’ve never had to manage a code base this large, and I’ve never had to deal with implementing a subsystem which has to get incorporated in to the larger project at some point.