How do you transfer UI Text from one scene to another?

The scoring of my game is based on how far the player travels on the x-axis. I use this code to calculate it:

public Transform player;
public Text scoreText;

void Update()

    scoreText.text = player.position.x.ToString("0");


After the player collides with an object, they are sent to the Game Over scene. The problem is, I am not able to/ I don’t know how to display the final score when they lose. I have tried using DontDestroyOnLoad and PlayerPrefs, but I couldn’t get either of them to work with UI Text.

Can someone help me?

Why don’t you just store the text string and than set the next scene’s UI text.text to that string
Method 1:

// Old scene
string score = player.position.x.ToString("0");
PlayerPrefs.SetString("score", score);

// New scene
newScoreText.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("score");

Method 2:

// Static variables are not stored in script instance, they are stored in stack, that means they are "remembered" even on scene change
// Scene is just used to get name of current scene

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

private string sceneName;

public static string score = player.position.x.ToString("0");

private void Start() {
    sceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

    if (sceneName == "GameOverScene") {
       newScoreText.text = score;