how do you use assembly definitions with editor scripts?

If an assembly definition file is in folder A and folder Editor is child of A, if I add an assemblydefinition file in A then upon building editor stuff are included.
How do I handle that?

Create another assembly definition file in the editor folder itself
Set platforms Editor only
Reference the assembly definition of “A”

Special Folders

I stopped working with assembly definition files because at some point I had 10 ~ 20 of them… and everytime I needed something I had to start adding references again. Got a bit crazy of doing that.
Also didn’t notice much difference in compile time… seemed just as fast as non asmdef based.

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thanks i forgot about platform!
interesting what you say regarding increased complexity vs little improvement.
weird thing in this project: i moved all editor files together and suddenly the inspector stopped being custom. So these magic folders are a bit of a pain to deal with, always been, too opaque, too much wonky magic.
When assemblies were introduced i saw drastically reduced compile time so I am surprised yours didn’t, maybe it’s due to the number of them in your project.