how do you use the package manager with git?

entering a url is abnormally slow so trying out tarball
I download a tar.gz
point to the tar.gz that was just downloaded
and i’m getting this
which is odd because 2020.2 does recursive
so i check the PM version but it won’t show up in the PM search

maybe it’s due to the errors gracing the console but i don’t think so, PM should be working regardless (as in MUST, since it’s essential to unity now that most things are packages)

Did you try putting the package into the Packages folder of your project?

  • Assets
  • Builds
  • Library
  • Packages <— Move tgz here
  • ProjectSettings

When the package is there I believe it auto-adds, but if not add it again through the menu.

If that doesn’t work, you may want to have your git client that supports LFS to create a clone of the given branch to the Packages folder directly.

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I just tried that but it doesn’t show up
that would have been nice but I understand why it isn’t included: it would take a long time to startup the editor.
tried your second suggestion and get nothing
except that searching “core” now returns nothing which has been my experience with package manager breaking easily when there are compile errors
(console after I + core, urp, vfx and shader graph separately)

Why two threads? a19 and urp10 - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

You can NOT use tarball or zip from github with Graphics repository. Graphics repo requires git LFS and just pulling archive will not give you any binary files. This will result in numerous errors.

yes, I bypassed the dreadful git desktop, went command line following instructions on the github page and got it working
besides going command line i think the trick was to import urp twice.
thanks for the help

On a Mac I highly recommend Homebrew to install Git. But I think you’re on Windows?

Yes I am.
It’s ok, the command lines are on the github page, I just copy pastaed it, it’s just that in some cases I use github desktop and it’s worked.

So using a url is slower than downloading/cloning the entire repo locally? what?

I feel there’s always some overhead in using PM for this but for example I haven’t managed to get PM do anything fast with multiple big git packages. In theory PM should be able to reuse the same repo when you have multiple paths with same repo but in my brief testing the import times were still awfully slow in comparison to just cloning the repo manually and then assigning the unity projects manifest the file refs that just point to the cloned repo paths (or simply copy over the packages into your packages folder).

Worth noting here is that you simply can NOT download entire repo locally from github using the github’s download option since Graphics repo uses git LFS and zip download would just not get any binary files. If this worked, it would be really snappy but now we have to clone the whole repo, which I believe is around 4GB of data. This will take a long time with git.

laurentlavigne use this repo instead
work good with a18 and easy to download.

all thaks to m0nsky

can you tell me whats the size of that tarball after download ?

hdrp though

For all the people who just want to include a tar.gz package to their project, Make a folder in Packages directory, copy the contents of packages folder inside the tar.gz package, and paste into that directory. When you are done the folder inside the packages folder in project root should have package.json file.


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