How does the Dedicated Server's console app print utf8 string? like Chinese word.

Hello, I build Deciated Server from my project. When I running this console app, I found the app printf string were messy code all.
So how can I fix it?

Hi @Minglinaaaaaa , given that the “Progress” part of your string is in english, I think the rest of your string is encoded the wrong way. Can you please post the code that prints these messages?

Hi, @PaoloAbela , Thank you for you reply.
I want to print Chinese and I tried serveral ways. but it was failed at all. There is my code and result.

Are you 100% sure the terminal you’re using to run the console app supports printing these characters? AFAIK, Windows CMD has problems with it.

Yes, I tried to create a console app from visual studio and runned it, it seemed everything is well. You can see the picture.

@PaoloAbela I tried to compare to what different between these two app. then, I found one of these app’s property is different. the property is Language. you can see the picture to find it.

ok, so it could be a locale-related setting? Anyway it doesn’t look like something related specifically to the dedicated server

Yes, I think that it’s a local-related setting with the build app from dedicated server.
And I found the other way to fix it. I created a .bat file and used “chcp 65001” command, then running the dedicated server app on windows 10, It seems everything is OK. You can see the picture.
I think this problem were solved if it has any way to changes the active console code page.