How does the Hybrid Renderer handle shadows and lighting?

I have a test scene where objects are spawned, which are then converted into entities. They only have Mesh Filter, Mesh Renderer and ConvertToEntity script. There is also a simple plane and a light source, which are not converted into entities. How does this affect performance? Will this lighting and shadows work as before? Or will they be somehow optimized by HybridRenderer

Generally, Hybrid Renderer V2 is expected to be faster on the CPU if you have a scene that instances well (lots of instances with the same mesh and material, and the material is not transparent), and about the same speed on the GPU.

Local light sources will currently only work fully in HDRP, as local light support for Hybrid Renderer requires either deferred rendering or Forward+ rendering.

I’m not that deep into development using DOTS, maybe I don’t really understand the specifics. That is, my lighting, which comes from a regular GameObject, works as before, DOTS does not optimize it in any way? Do I need to use HDRP?

That is correct, there is no DOTS-specific lighting happening. Local lights should work normally with HDRP.