How does the unity projector work ?


I try to create my own mask for the projector. However, I have some difficulties of understanding of how it works. Let me tell you how to reproduce the picture that make me confusing:

  1. Create a cube or capsule.
  2. Create an empty gameobject and make it to be the child of the cube
  3. Add projector component to the empty gameobject
  4. Add your material to the projector ( I have a black circle with a white background) and don’t forget to make texture to have wrap mode Clamp.

So… if you did all thing as I had, you probably will see a large texture over the terrain. If you inverse your texture all will be OK. As far as I understood my mask wasn’t correct. But what I really do not understand is why do I see the huge texture that is much bigger than the projection area ? Shouldn’t it be limited by projection area ?

Thank you in advance.

P.S. To show you how big it is I’ll provide you a screen:
alt text

I assume you are not using the provided material (projector/light or projector/multiply) and it won’t work that way.

see Unity - Manual: Projector component

A Projector allows you to project a Material onto all objects that intersect its frustum. The material must use a special type of shader for the projection effect to work correctly - see the projector prefabs in Unity’s standard assets for examples of how to use the supplied Projector/Light and Projector/Multiply shaders.