How does unity sizing in 2D work in general

I am new to unity and I am wondering how sizing. Can someone explain this to me.

So lets start from the beginning. I create a new 2D game. It automatically creates a camera with the scale of 1:1:1 and size of 5. What if I want to develop a game for an iPhone and I want my game to have a resolution to fit my iPhone screen? I want my game to be in 16:9, but the vertical line should be the longer one.
Can someone explain me the general concet of sizing please?


You can preview an aspect ratio or resolution from the dropdown menu at the top-left in the Game view. When you run your game on a device, the camera will take the aspect ratio from the device’s screen.

Camera Size is essentially the Zoom amount. Camera gameobject scale has no impact on the camera frustum.

Thanks! jeffreyschoch

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