I was trying out the line renderers for one of my games. They kind of look cool, barring the rumours that I heard from some of the guys, saying that it is not an efficient way to draw lines. I was also using a material for these line objects. What do you guys think about it?
Thanks for the reply guys. I too have not faced an issue yet with Line renderers. Will update if I come across any. Cheers
P.S. Nice analogy though @larku
You can add a LineRenderer component with 2 or more vertices (points), so a continuos line will be drawn that pass through all points. The problem with this approach is that current implementation makes the line appear twisted on each corner if they are too oblique.
To prevent that ugly effect, if you want to draw a continuous line with more than 2 vertices, you should break down the line into segments per each 2 points. So if you have 5 points, you create 4 GameObjects each one with a LineRenderer attached just with 2 vertices (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5). This way the line will appear smoothly continuous.
If anything the destroying will be the slow part, as opposed to pooling the data required to render them. 10? Try a thousand then worry the forum about it