how i call Audio source component from other script

i have an object contains the main music audio source and i want to reduce the sound volume within the game (when i go to game scene ) . how i can controlling in Audio volume from other scene and other script .
sorry for english

my code :

static var AudioBegin  = true;
static var AudioStop  = false;


function Awake()

    if (AudioBegin)
       AudioBegin  = false;

function Update(){

    if (AudioStop)


Use PlayerPrefs to store desired volume in settings scene and when load it in game scene.

// somewhere in your settings scene
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("SFX Volume", mySoundVolume);

// script on some game object in your game scene
using UnityEngine;

public class SettingsLoader : MonoBehaviour
	// you should drag your AudioSource component
	// on this field in inspector
	public AudioSource audioSource;

	void Start () 
		audioSource.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("SFX Volume", 1f);

You are doing DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); in the awake function. So that means your game object is not destroyed when you load another scene.

To lower the volume, create a function:

function reduceVolume()
audio.volume = 0.3f;

And call it like you would call any other gameobject function.