How I can change this command to my Keyboard?

I want to change the instruction to my keyboard. Right now I can rotate the 3D Robot-Arm using the hSliderValue. But I want to change it to my keyboard, I want to hit 2 keyboards so I can control the amount of rotation and the side of rotation into my keyboard.

function Update () { amtToMove = controlScript.hSliderValue * Time.deltaTime; if(controlScript.triggerGo == 1){

transform.Rotate(0, controlScript.hSliderValue *Time.deltaTime,0);



Thanks in advance for any advice!

It sounds like you want to create some keyboard controls for the user. If you select Edit>Project Settings>Input you can increase the size value at the top of the inspector panel by one in order to add a new control. Then map the + and - keys to your new axis and use that to influence the amount moved.

See the Input Script Reference for more details.