how i can change value By UI slider !!

I created an ui slider and i have touch script and sensetivity x , sensetivity Y Variables , and i want control in this variables by slider .

My script :

	 var sensitivityX = 13.5f;
	var sensitivityY = 13.5f;
	var invertX = true;
	var invertY = true;

    function Awake(){
    sensitivityX = 5.5f;
     sensitivityY = 5.5f;
	// Update is called once per frame
	function Update () {

		if (Input.touches.Length > 0)
			if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
				var delta : Vector2  = Input.touches[0].deltaPosition;
			     var rotationZ = delta.x * sensitivityX * Time.deltaTime;
				 rotationZ = invertX ? rotationZ : rotationZ * -1;
				var  rotationX = delta.y * sensitivityY * Time.deltaTime;
				  rotationX = invertY ? rotationX : rotationX * -1;
				transform.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(rotationX, rotationZ, 0);

As OctoMan has pointed out for you - Slider.value returns current value of slider, you can set min/max value via Inspector or using minValue/maxValue. onValueChanged event will tell you when value has changed, or you can use it via Inspector as well, example of which you can find in Unity’s UI examples.