How I Can enable real time shadows?

I tried pretty much everything in order to enable real time shadows. I cannot let them work both in the player, both in the published project. I tried different rendering paths (forward, vertex lit, deferred) and I’ve enable shadows casting and receiving in all objects. The problem is present with all kind of light. I’m quite sure it’s something related to graphic board settings, but I’m wondering which! I’m running on a Lenovo Y510P with Win 8.1, Unity updated to 4.5.3f3, nvidia GT755M. Hope someone will help me! :slight_smile:

You have two options :

The first one is to disable shadow casting on your directional light.

Second method was to go on “Edit>Project Settings>Quality”. Now on the right side of the screen, in the inspector, you can in “Shadows” put the option on “Disable Shadows”

P.S: There is a third method more difficult, you can edit the shader of your model.